Saturday, August 04, 2007


Now pay attention people. All of you that read this blog...

Since it seems I've just been using this as a place to rant and rave, and that's not really the face I want to put out there, here are places you can go to get pretty close to daily information about me. What am I doing, how do I feel, etc...

POWNCE, TWITTER, MYSPACE, and here at Blogger.

Also check out We put out at least one show a week and we do our best to be entertaining. Even if it's not your normal thing...if you participate in nothing else online but this...participate in this for us. Email, comment or whatever. I want to make this a community. ALSO, please share us with those you love and hang with. Anyone who might remotely find this entertaining. If we suck, we can accept that. A little constructive criticism can turn this from a painful weekly experience for you to a fun one you look forward to. If we don't know, we can't fix it.

Anyways I love you guys and I'm sorry for all the rants, cursing, etc. Believe me when I say life is good right now. Just trying to be more of a positive person (and drop this little alcohol habit) and right now I'm kinda failing. Stick with me. Have faith. I'll be nice.

Love you all!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Nick Starr...

Some of you may not be aware of who he is or what's been going on. I'll do my best.

First, there's this: His personal website & his blog

He's a twentysomething tech/gadget junkie in southern Florida. He has become known online first as a fan of The Dawn & Drew Show and then a guest on the podcast Nobody Likes Onions. He has attended both Podcast Expos and various other podcasting events throughout the country. His motive is only known by him.

He's gotten flack on NLO for lying about who he is and some of his lifestyle choices. He also got flack when he started attacking Keith and the Girl on NLO. Later, they called in and he used a certain comment that Don Imus was kicked off the air for using.

Subsequently, some KATG forum members posted his cell phone number, work number, his parents address, the description of his car and local places he frequents. Every time he changed his cell number they would post his new number. Then he lost his job and some thought it might have been due to all the calls in to his work from KATG fans. I'm not sure that's the case but it's just a view into the way some KATG fans treat enemies of the show.

Keith required him to apologize in three ways before he'd "call off the dogs":
1. Apologize through twitter (which he did)
2. Apologize by calling into the Keith and the Girl show (which he did)
3. Apologize on an episode of Nobody Likes Onions (which he has NOT done)

All of this had calmed down over the last month or so. I felt like he'd put all that behind him so I dropped any grudges I had with him and we were cool again. It's not like we were really friends. We never talked to each other and basically I just went from not liking the guy to not caring.

Then a couple days ago, Nick posted the following posts on

6:44pm August 1, 2007: btw I am pretty drunk already, so consider anything from here on out a drunken Twitter post
7:41pm August 1, 2007: Hrm, there is a nice high skyway bridge nearby...I've heard of plenty of people jumping from it....maybe I should give it a try tonight.
8:01pm August 1, 2007: @briancaldwell nah that's how i am all the time, I just never say the things I am thinking. I've wanted to kill myself since 1st grade.
8:27pm August 1, 2007: @valerieinto what do i have to appreciate? My 4 years w/o a gf, my lack of friends, my 11 months being homeless?
8:54pm August 1, 2007: Why can't life be like high school? Sure life was complicated, but at least I could get a girlfriend:
9:17pm August 1, 2007: Alright I'm out Twitter...time to get a few more drinks and debate jumping from a bridge tonight, Sunshine Skyway Bridge here I come.
9:27pm August 1, 2007: Just paid the toll for the skyway bridge...should I stop at the top? What should I do with my car? I guess leave it there.
9:29pm August 1, 2007: Has there ever been a twitter suicide before? I wonder what I would write as I am falling to my death.
9:31pm August 1, 2007: alright this is it. Parked my car. I wish everyone who ever was nice to me well. See you in the next life

This led to people on the KATG forums and DnDS forums to voice their concerns. Most of the posts were positive and supportive. Police were called, his parents were called and local suicide hotlines were called. People all over were looking for him. Then, this post showed up on from host Dawn Miceli:

As you may of heard already Drew and I are very concerned over our friend Nick Starr and his recent twitter posts. We have been trying to reach him since we were alerted but so far have had no luck. We have been in contact with the highway patrol down there and are anxious to hear of his whereabouts. This is a very, very serious situation and I have been totally disgusted by the heartless comments and the terrible treatment Nick has received from some of those in the podcasting community. Why must some people have to tear others down, to the point of total destruction, before they realize that their behavior could have deadly repercussions? Does it make you feel good hurting other people? Are you truly that pathetic?

We hope that Nick is safe and offer whatever help he needs to get to a better place.

I just pray that it isn’t too late.

I sincerely thank those of you that are sending their love to Nick right now, we all have had our bad moments and sometimes it is the simple act of friendship that saves us.

Kindness is something you can give freely, if you choose to.
-Dawn and Drew

I had a lot of problems with this. First, she had no idea why Nick threatened to kill himself. The only info they had was through his posts on twitter. The only motive Nick implied was "4 years w/o a gf, my lack of friends, my 11 months being homeless." She had no right to just assume that it was due to "some of those in the podcasting community." That's not your place Dawn. Let Nick speak for himself.

Instead, Dawn uses his apparent suicide as a platform to attack the podcasting community. That's just tasteless. You do not use someone's coffin as a soapbox. EVER. Also, name the people Dawn. If you're going to jump all over somebody, have the courage to name them personally or shut your face.

My next problem is the hypocracy. She has the nerve to call people out for treating Nick like shit. Really? Anyone who read his twitters every day could see where this was headed. You did NOTHING to stop the slide. He lives in his car. A decision he made himself but a decision that he apparently regretted more and more every day. Still, he just couldn't stop himself from buying more phones, gadgets, tickets to go out and see you and Drew at various locations. Not once did you take him aside and offer to help? Not once did any minion in the Southern Florida area offer to hang out, buy him a meal, take him out for a night on the town or something...SOMETHING to show that people cared? Last month he slept in his car while Drew and Don slept in comfy hotel beds. That's being a friend? That's how you treat your "minions?" Oh but WE'RE the assholes. No, instead you waited until he basically said he was going to commit suicide. THEN everyone comes running (including me apparently).

Now I never pretended to like Nick. I thought he was a decent guy until last year at the Expo party when his way of saying hello was calling me out. I put that behind me for a while until later when he started lying about who he was and then started attacking Keith and Chemda. For months he refused to apologize and then when he did, he threw Patrick from NLO under the bus. Even still, I put all the past shit behind me and I was cool with Nick. We weren't exactly friends but I no longer had any grudge for him and I hoped any grudge he had towards me was gone as well. Must've been since he asked me to add him to my Pownce page which I did and he reciprocated. Still, even I questioned his choices and confronted him about them on his blog.

It really makes me angry when people feel they're being a good friend by continually supporting you in decisions you make which are obviously not in your best interest. Your friend is homeless by choice and you don't once come to him and try to talk him out of it? You don't even say "Are you sure?" You don't offer him a place to stay? You don't even call to see if he wants to hang out. No, you think that by supporting his every decision that makes you a good friend. NO IT DOESN'T. MY friends question my choices to drink. MY friends even question whether I really should be driving home when it's 10pm. They offer me a place or help paying for a hotel room. I haven't taken them up on it and I've made it home safe but at least they were being good friends. Hypocrites. Everyone one of ya. Sorry but that letter just really got under my skin.

So yeah anyways, as the minutes and hours pass I start to care. I worry. He's a human being. Even if we don't get along and I don't agree with your life choices, I still care about whether you're ok or not. So yeah I shed a few tears worried about the guy. I worried and cared, until I saw this:

So basically not only is he just fine but he's getting a kick out of people worrying about him. So this was just an attention grab? He hasn't been in the spotlight for a while and he misses it. I fell into it. He got me to drop my grudges and try being at least civil. He got me to care and it was all fake. So now I'm feeling pissed but I still don't want to say anything because I'm not sure sure. Perhaps someone hacked his account and put that in there. There's some other explanation or something. So before I pass judgment, how about I make sure I've got all the facts. Then this comes out:

Drew and I just got off the phone with Nick Starr. He is ok and is getting help. He thanks everyone for all their positive well wishes and asks that you will respect his privacy right now as he works through a difficult time.

Please have patience, more information will come as the situation progresses, just know that he is safe and unharmed.

You can continue to send Nick your love and support HERE.

Take care of each other.

Love, Dawn and Drew

Great. He's ok. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. Now I can say, "Nick, I'm glad you're safe, alive and getting help. Get better soon. We look forward to hearing from you again." I do because I want to know what you were thinking. Why did you think it was ok to play with our emotions like that? You didn't go through with it and instead of just letting us all know you were ok you sat there and watched as all the love came pouring in. You sat there and read our worrying, the tears we've shed, etc. and you not once said "Hey guys, I'm ok." What prompted you to finally call D&D or answer your phone? Was that fun for you? Cause frankly I'm a little pissed off right now. I feel like my emotions have been used and until I hear a satisfactory answer, you and me...we're not OK again. Right now the only positive things I can say about you are that MAYBE this wasn't fun for you and MAYBE you didn't just do this for attention. That you are human and you're breathing. We'll see. Your response will play a large part in my next reply. If this was all just an attention grab, you deserved every single thing the KATG fans and NLO fans said about you...the personal info they shared and exploited...everything.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My issues with Ron Paul

I think it was a fairly clever strategy by a Presidential candidate to get all his campaign staff and supporters to flood sites like with pro-Ron Paul stories and cries about him not getting a fair shot. Considering a lot of these users are democrats or at least lean to a very liberal side, here's what I want to bring up and wonder if these people STILL want to vote for Ron Paul:

Embryonic stem cell programs not constitionally authorized. (May 2007)
Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
Voted NO on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
No federal funding of abortion, and pro-life. (Dec 2000)
Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)

Civil Rights:
Voted YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. (Sep 2004)
Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. (Jul 1999)
Rated 67% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)

Voted NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
Voted NO on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
Abolish the federal Department of Education. (Dec 2000)

Voted NO on increasing AMTRAK funding by adding $214M to $900M. (Jun 2006)
Voted YES on barring website promoting Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump. (May 2006)
Voted NO on speeding up approval of forest thinning projects. (Nov 2003)
Rated 5% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes. (Dec 2003)

Voted NO on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)

Close departments of Energy, Education & Homeland Security. (May 2007)
Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
Voted NO on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)

Gun Control:
Ease procedures on the purchase and registration of firearms. (Nov 1996)
Allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms. (Nov 1996)
Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Dec 2003)

Keep rule barring immigrants from running for president. (May 2007)
Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project. (Jun 2006)
Voted YES on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment. (May 2004)
Voted YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules. (May 2001)
Voted YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers. (Sep 1998)
Rated 100% by FAIR, indicating a voting record restricting immigration. (Dec 2003)

These are all the ways that Ron Paul is possibly still too conservative to earn the liberal vote. All the issues I excluded? They're all the reasons why he's too liberal to earn conservative votes. Do your work people. No candidate will be perfect for you but one of them is close. Start doing your work now and learn about every candidate to make sure the right one wins their primary and the Presidency in 2008. It's time for a change.