Monday, March 26, 2007

Mondays always suck

So in the course of my day I've complained about some egg-shaped dude that just walks around the office. He's not an employee. Just a really short egg-shaped dude. Kind looks like a mix of Danny DeVito, Wallace Shawn and Stephen Root doing Milton from Office Space. Lacks a little hair up top with just a bit on the sides, squinty Wallace Shawn eyes, and kinda hairy. He just creeps me out. I've plotted the invasion and conquering of the mini-countries of Europe including sacking and pillaging the Vatican City, executing everyone in the cathedral and leaving them hanging from the buttresses for the carrion birds to have their fill. What is wrong with me? It's Monday, that's what's wrong.

Then I made the wonderful decision to listen to KATG this morning. Coughing really hurts my ribs. Laughing makes me cough or at least simulates the same motion. So listen to Matt and Keith and Chemda yuck it up, led to quite a painful morning.

Missed the Dawn & Drew party in LV Friday night. why a Friday and not Saturday I'll never know but I was deathly ill and broke anyways so it doesn't matter. Sounds like it was a ton of fun. Suck.

So yeah Mondays suck and this Monday has sucked double. Tired and whiny. Really whiny. I'm starting to annoy myself here so I'll take off. Ciao. Slainte. Aloha. Whatever.

Still Got It

I'm taking that in two directions today. First, Episode Two is out and Episode Three is in the post-production stage. Yep...we still got it. Every show is better than the one before it and I think that's the way it's supposed to be. Well, at first anyways. Then I suppose we'll level off and have our peaks and valleys from week to week.

Second thing is that this cold just won't go away. It's been five days and I'm still sniffling, sneezing, coughing, hacking, achy, you know...all those Nyquil symptoms. Except, I've been taking Nyquil and it hasn't helped much. Sudafed helps relieve the symptoms for a while but it doesn't take care of the problem. Gonna have to get some Robitussin PE later. Get rid of this sinus stuff and break up all the congestion in my chest. It now hurts to cough. That's not good.

Well, I've got a whole 5 days worth of podcasts to catch up on and reports to get out so I'll cut this short.